Monday, October 10, 2011

We're Each Called To Do Something In Life.

 We are all special in our own, unique way. God gave each of us our own talents so we could all be different. "Some are born great. Some of achieve greatness. And some, have greatness thrust upon them." -William Shakespeare. Anyways, onto the point.
  Acting means everything to me. I've been acting since 5th grade. When it comes to auditioning for plays, it's not as easy as it looks.
  Since 7th grade, I've gotten all the main parts in the plays. I thought it was just luck, but it wasn't. Last year in 8th grade, I got a call back to go to Dallas to act in front of HUNDREDS of acting agencies. But in order to go, you had to pay $975. That's A LOT of money. So what I did was turn it down. Shocking right?
 A few weeks later, I met one of my mom's friends. I told her how I was in love with acting and wanted to become an actress. The next thing she told me was that she works as a director/agent for actors. She told me she would love to work with me and be my agent. What a coincidence! I turn down Dallas for acting agencies, and then I'm talking to an agent without even realizing it.

 See, God has everything planned out for you. If you don't get exactly what your aiming for as a goal, don't be upset. God has even BETTER things planned out for you. You may be good at a lot of things, but God wants you to walk down a certain path. I'm given the opportunity to live my dream, but look at me. I'm choosing to live my childhood in high school. Someday I'll take the chance though.
 God calls everyone to do something. If you aren't meant to be a designer, maybe you're meant to be a model. All I'm saying is, do NOT give up hope on something you REALLY want to do. If Abraham gave up hope on God, do you think he would've became a great nation and a blessing to the world?

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