Sunday, October 9, 2011

Time To Reflect..

1. So, like why did God say those words to Abraham?
-I think God said those words to him because he wanted to keep his people safe and create a better nation for them.

2. If you were Abraham, would you be willing to lead all of God's people to The Promised Land?
-I don't know about you guys, but I definitely would because it's God! He's your creator, so why ignore him and deny his request?! I mean, without God, obviously we wouldn't be here. So, I would lead his people because if you deny God, he'll deny you.

3. If Abraham didn't lead God's people to The Promised Land, do you think life would've been different?
-Well, honestly, who knows. I mean, yeah maybe. Like, the whole Bible could have probably been written a different way! Think about it. (;

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