Thursday, October 6, 2011

Studyin' for a test? This is for YOU to review. Hey, that rhymes. :)

For YOU to review!
(Ladies, you got this! Good luck on your test.)

  1. Who is the father of biblical faith? ABRAHAM

  2. What does God promise to Abraham the covenant? What is the sign of that covenant for Abram's people? He promised a multitude of descendants, and the sign was circumcision.
  3. Why are Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed? They were destroyed because the cities were evil and the inhabitants practiced rape.
  4. Who is traditionally known as the father of the Arab peoples? Ishmael
  5. What is emphasized as a forbidden act in the story of Abraham's test? Human sacrifice is a BIG no, no...
  6. Which of Abraham's sons is destined to become an ancestor of the Israelites? Whom does that son marry? Abraham's son Isaac is destined to become the ancestor of the Israelites, and he marries Rebekah.
Soooooo, did you do well?
Hopefully this is you after you reviewed for the test with our handy dandy REVIEW QUESTIONS!

:D YIPPEE! I'm ready!

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