Thursday, October 6, 2011

REFLECTIN' TIME! No, I do not mean a mirror...

Questions of the Rainbow! :)
(Oooh! What was the rainbow a sign of and in which story was it important in?)

Think. How can you relate Jesus to Isaac?

God was ready to give up Jesus for us just like Abraham was ready to give up Isaac for God. WHOA.

Do you believe you are perfect? We can never be as perfect, and holy as God. Think about Hagar and Moses. They weren't perfect. How can we be a light to the world?

In relation to Abraham, and MAYBE Adam and Eve, how are we connected to each other. We all came from one person. Who do you think that one person is?

Who or what do you see God in?

Take a second to listen to God...

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting! When I saw it, I thought to myself...hey i read that in my textbook! The rainbow is a of the ending of the flood. It was a sign of God's love for every creature on the earth and a promise that the world will never again be destroyed by a flood! I like the picture of the rainbow:)
