Monday, October 10, 2011

Lectio Divina

1. Lectio: "What does it say?"
- I personally think it says that we should follow God's plan for us. He has great things in mind for us and we shouldn't ignore him.

2. Meditatio: "What does it tell me?"
-It tells me that no matter how old/young you are or where you're at, If God calls on you to do something for him, do it. Let's say if God called on you to save all his people from a disaster and you do, something great could happen after that.

3. Oratio: "What does it make me say?"
- It makes me say  we should all follow the word of God and please him. Don't deny him, because if you do, he'll deny you too. Denying God is like denying $1 million, even though God means more to me than that.

4. Contenalatio- "To think about."
- Now stop and think...Are you willing to give yourself to God when he calls on you, or will you reject him? Are you willing to sacrifice anything God tells you to? Just ask yourself "What would Jesus do?"


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