Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chicken Soup for Sister Anne's Soul (Haha)

1st Chair

When you see this chair it may not strike you as important. For me, it marked the beginning of confidence, a new start, and a new perspective on life.
To everyone, everyone is another soul on earth. We may know them, or we may not. It's funny how we can actually look similar to God.What does that mean? Pfft, no one knows. He may be a ball of fufu for all we know. However, under the circumstances, we are genuinely like God. We have talents, a soul, and a unique body unlike any other organism on this earth. Unfortunately, we organisms are classified from scales to charts, up and down, why? Because we're different...In a good way! It's not every day that you see an ambidextrous person in class or a contortionist bend backwards like Elastagirl from the Incredibles. We have our own talents and, for some reason, mentality. We have certain "fortes."
My one big forte is the forte of my voice, and in case you don't know what "forte" means, it means BIG, HUGE, loud? Yea, loud. This year was the first year I auditioned for all region choir. That's why that chair is important. I stayed from 4 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon to sing in front of a pink board for three measly minutes. 3 minutes of GLORIA! I was shaking and nervous. Oh, no what am I going to do?!
117. That was my number. It's kind of funny. 7. 7 is symbolic for...something related to God. I guess it was my lucky number. :) I was born in July, there's another seven. I first started singing in a public audience at seven years old. OKAY, so seven's an awesome number for me, seven is-seven is cool.
So, they call my number and I was happy they said it calmly. I HATE LOUD NOISES. Whenever they called out the numbers it was SO loud. I was about to find and punch Barney in the gut. Kind of ironic, I'm PRETTY loud. Anyways, waiting for my time was terrible. When I finally got to stand in front of that pink board, I panicked and grabbed my blanket. Comfort, warmth, mmmm.
Here's a little need to know. I stopped singing in fifth grade because of a bad experience in a recital. My voice shakes and since it has been developing I've been ashamed of my once angelic voice. Please don't ask me to sing. I swear I won't do it. At least in front of the class. ON THE SPOT.
Back to the story, I was shaking all throughout the songs! AUUUUUUGh! I messed up... I came out crying, telling my whole life story to my fellow Loretto students who auditioned. My mom comes and sees me. Never in my life has she ever been so supportive of me. She believed in me. She knew I did well. I just wanted to go home. She gives me a hug and I feel better. Later we got to a party. I spend some time with Joey and we catch some frogs and taught little Pogi some tricks. :)
8:44 pm and I decide that it was time to call my teacher to see if I had made it or not. I kept reminding myself that I had three more years left.

The following phone conversation is almost exactly quoted directly:

*Teacher picks up on FIRST ring*
"Mr Hernandez?"
"Yes, hi, Leanne...." all melancholy :(
"I was nervous!"
"Well, let me just say that it was tough competition."
"It was!"
"And, it was so hard got first chair."

EXPLOSION! I bested in all region choir?! AHHHHHHHHHH!

Let me just cut to the chase. All of us are special and are called to do something. We are expected to play by our strengths. This time in my life marked a day when I realized what part of me I had that God had, and that I CAN be a light to the world. Also, God always prevails in the end and works in a way where he IS there for us and all things lead up to the best for us. That's how my life was connected to this section in Chapter 2.


  1. Congrats Leanne!!:D I can imagine how overwhelmed you were...I've been in the same situation. Band is an elective at Saint Joseph's and when we started 6th grade we had to pick an elective. I of course chose band because it's just so very awesome. I chose to play the beautiful flute:) AND of course I had to be the only girl amongst 16 boys and Mr. Ng from 6th grade to 8th grade. I got used to it after three years though;) back to the story... It wasn't til 7th grade that I started to develop the habit of shaking my hands as i played the flute when we had tests because we had to play alone and we too competed for chairs. For me it was a HUGE deal to be the best of the other two flutists. Back to the story again...hehe:) Before every band test I would panic, get a temperature and or dizzy. So I would shake when I played which caused my air stream to be airy. Nevertheless i later controlled my problem because I always got first hey if I study the songs, PRAY TO GOD BEFORE THE TEST, get my fingering right, try my hardest, and don't take many breaths in phrases I'll do fine and I always did:) so I'm glad that even though you messed up you kept going because that really shows commitment and I bet you really love to sing so in the end its worth it! I'm glad that people who love to sing like you have an opportunity to continue it in high school. I really wished that Loretto had a band because man was i devoted to my flute. I loved playing all the mass music, Christmas songs, operas, movie themes, patriotic, folk songs ect ect we played and preformed. I TRULY miss it. BUT I'm excited that you are first chair:) once again awesome job:) and maybe that IS your never know;)

  2. Oh my goodness gracious! I LOVE your writing technique! It's so dramatic and expressive and this is the kind of thing that keeps me really interested! I also really liked the whole Mary Poppins thing! AMAZING! You should do blogs more often! :D
